And what better to restore than a lovely older RT? Can't think of anything, myself...well, maybe a nice Guzzi too!!

Both (all 3?) bikes are NICE!
And on the old R80RT and R100RTs, the word is that their fairings are at least as good as the old Vetter Windjammers, and I can well vouch for the latter, having ridden my Honda '72 750K2 with a Vetter in several frog stranglers over I-80 with 18 wheelers going by in massive spray clouds of whoosh, and staying absolutely dry. Couldn't beat them and can't beat the R100RTs and R80RTs fairings either!

And beautiful? Just today a Lowe's employee, recognizing my riding jacket, stopped me and asked if I owned that bike he'd seen (the R100RT) in the parking lot a couple of weeks ago. When I told him yes, his response was a big smile and the comment, "What a beautiful bike! What is it?" Answer: "1989 Beemer R100RT" His response, "Man that's a lovely bike!" I told him, "Yeah, if you can find one they're really worth having and lovely to ride!"