On-Line credit/debit card payment instructions for the January 17th Banquet:
On the 4 Winds Home page, the middle of the left side you will see a grey box: “January Banquet”.
(If it doesn’t display correctly, clear your browser cache).
Items in bold italics are "selections":
Select the quantity that will be attending and Proceed to Payment
On the next page, you can Update Quantity, then click Begin Checkout
On the Checkout page/Billing address: Fill in your name and email, click Continue
Payment Method (PayPal will process the credit/debit payment) click Continue
You will see an order summary, click Place Order
At this point, you will be transferred to the secure Pay Pal website for your credit/debit card transaction and processing.
Select: Pay with a Debit or Credit Card or you can use your Pay Pal account.
On the next page, enter your credit card information. Click Review and Continue
When you have completed entering this information, click Pay Now
You will receive an email with confirmation of payment. You can also print an invoice.
Now, you can click Return to the 4 Winds web site. If you see a “non-secure website warning” just ignore it and continue. (It means you are leaving the secure Pay Pal web site).
Upon returning to the 4 Winds web site, you’ll see a message: “Checkout Results - Thank You”.